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Vacation Rental Inspections


Sonoma County Fire District

Vacation  Rental Inspection Requirements

An Annual Fire Life Safety Inspection is required to operate a Vacation Rental  in Sonoma County.

Vacation Rental Business License & Renewal.

The Vacation Rental Business License will not be valid, until your inspection is completed, and the inspection fee is paid. If you do not have a current Fire Life Safety Inspection, your permit will be revoked, and you will not be able to operate your business in the County of Sonoma.

 The Annual Fire Life Safety Inspection Fee is: $382.00

Schedule Your Annual  Vacation Rental Inspection Below: 

Or contact:

Sonoma County Fire District, Prevention Division

Office (707) 892-2441


Vacation Rental Inspection Requirements

Site Access

·         Site address clearly posted and visible from the public way

·         Access to the main entrance is free of any obstructions and that any steps, stairs,

          landings, handrails, or guardrails are code compliant

·         Fire apparatus access unobstructed

·         Fire hydrants unobstructed

·         Gas meters and electric breakers labeled


·        All exits unobstructed

·        Egress doors open easily, without use of key

·        Egress windows unobstructed and operable

·        Stairs and railing maintained

Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms

All vacation rental homes require smoke & carbon monoxide alarms installed in accordance with the 2019 California Residential Code (CRC) and will be verified at the time of your fire and life safety inspection.

Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations:

·         In each sleeping room

·         Outside each sleeping area (hallway) in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms

·         On each additional story of the dwelling, including basements but not including

          crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics

·         Battery operated 10 yr. alarms

·         Alarms should be hard wired with battery back up

·         Consider installing flashing alarms for people who are hearing impaired

·         Test alarms once a month

·         Replace batteries every 6 months if they are not 10 yr. alarms

Carbon Monoxide Alarms shall be installed in the following locations:

·         Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping area in the immediate

          vicinity of the bedroom(s)

·         On every level of a dwelling unit including basements

Please note:

Alarms must be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications prior to, and available  to inspect at the time of the fire safety inspection.

Fire Extinguishers

·           Extinguishers must have annual service and documentation

·           Extinguishers must be professionally inspected annually or have receipt taped to

            extinguisher if purchased within a year

Suggested locations         

·         Placed in kitchen under sink

·         Place outside BBQ area


·         Extension cords used only for temporary use

·         Sufficient electrical panel clearance

·         No open gaps in breaker box

·         Electrical outlet not overused

·         Cover plates installed on all outlets

·         Electrical cords maintained free of splicing 


·         Water Heater/HVAC - Free from storage and have compliant venting

·         Dryer Duct Cleaning - Lint traps regularly maintained and clear

·         Windows in bedrooms are operable, meet minimum size requirements, and do not

          have bars or other obstructions that prevent egress


·         All exterior areas shall be free of weeds, debris & trash

·         Open flame cooking devices away from overhangs/trees

·         Disposal Of BBQ /or fireplace ash in metal can with lid ONLY. Never dispose of ash

          or charcoal in yard waste containers

·         Wood burning fire pits must have an appropriate screening to capture embers

·         Use BBQs (gas or charcoal) in safe location away from combustion construction

          and Vegetation

·         Pool - pool area fenced and gated

·         Hot Tub - locking cover

·         Sliding Doors - sensors - local alarm

 Hazardous Materials

·         Compressed gas cylinders properly secured

·         Pool chemicals properly stored and labeled 

Not required but suggested:

·         Wrench by the gas meter

          Keep documentation on:

·         Frequency of smoke alarm testing

·         Keep documentation on frequency of dryer duct cleaning

Information Binder

House address

Property manager after hours numbers

Non-emergency contacts #s

Police non-emergency 707-838-1234

Fire non-emergency 707-838-1170

Sonoma County Evacuation Zone Map

Emergency links

Nixle/ SOCO Alert

All forms of open flames are discouraged during Red Flag Weather Conditions













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